
 She's a wanderer in a world full of followers
She goes where others don't want to

Leaving behind the darkness often found
She's got music in her soul
She's light bound
Sometimes following the tracks

Always making her own music
She sometimes strays from her path
Learning lessons along the way

She's a wonderer is a world full of followers 
who sometimes feels so alone
Ophelia March

Talu Musing
Wild west princess bandana RED
Wild west princess shorts DENIM DARK
Valencia with HUD
Narcisse Eyeshadow for Lelutka EVO X. PACK 01
Juicy Nudes EvoX Lipgloss BOM
Lepidoptera Markings / FRESH
Sashay - Brunette
Reborn Nail HUD - Tutti Fruiti
Galileo Eyes
LeLutka Evo X - T7 - Lorelai (including shape)
Bom Body Skins - Reborn - T7
Avalon Head 3.1
REBORN - v 1.69.6
Wonky Weenies - Devil Companion - RARE 
(Old Gacha so I'm unsure if available for purchase)
Born to Run 


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