Middle Finger
Middle finger, Middle finger
my trusted friend
who always sticks up for me
when I need to tell someone
where to go
when words just won't do
thanks for always sticking
up for me
you always know
just what to do
to get my point across
thanks for always
sticking up for me
Ophelia March
-Middle Finger
Dedicated to my RL sister, Angie, who always told all of us to use our middle fingers & used hers every chance she got, whether it was appropriate or not. I miss her daily. Including a song I dedicated to her some years before her passing for your enjoyment.
Musing Sponsor
May 18- June 8, 2024
Designed for MAITREYA Lara, Petite, LaraX, PetiteX,
EBODY Classic, Reborn, Waifu, BELLEZA Freya, Isis, Venus,
GenX SLINK Hourglass, Physique LEGACY Classic, Perky,
TMP + 5 Standard Sizes
Also Musing
Margot Denim Jeans 2.0 [Stormy Blue]
Wendy Glasses
Enchantress EvoX Eyeshadow - Essential
Mousse Lipstick - Megapack
Moon Child Tattoo
Hani - Jewel
Reborn Nail HUD - So Very Cherry
Fickle Eyes
EVO X - T7 - Dahlia
Bom Body Skins 2024 - REBORN - T7
Lilith Head 3.1
REBORN - v 1.69.6
VIP Photo Booth - Crying Room
VIP - Wall Art Bento Pose (using the "Fuck you" from this)
FU Poseset
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