Fill It

Fill it
Fill your life with adventure
in whatever way you choose
Seek adventure
seek life
seek love
seek what makes you happy

Fill it
Fill your life with a fighter's spirit
then you can always face what's thrown at you
with a fierceness they'll never see coming

Fill it
Fill your life with your essence
the spirit of your soul
let others see who you are
your life will never be dull

Fill it
Fill your life with everything
you want it to be


*Valkyr* RP
*Valkyr* RP MP
Grid Hunter F designed for Belleza Freya, Isis, & Venus, Maitreya, Slink Physique, Tonic Curvy & Fine - Main hunt prize

Innan Twisted Eyes - Unisex - Main hunt prize
Innan Twisted Face Implant - Unisex - Main hunt prize
Innan Twisted Hand Implant - Unisex - Endroom prize

Tech Collar - Twisted Teal - Main Hunt Prize
Pixelancer MP
Pixelancer Flickr
Punked ~ THS20 (floating cubes)

I'm also wearing
Nails - CAZIMI
Dark Velvet Nail Appliers
Skin - Jeanette's Joint
Faceted Skins
Body - Maitreya
Lara v5.0.11
Head - GENUS Project
Genus Head - Classic Face W001 - Mocap

Backdrop - The Bearded Guy
3 Fill It - Technologic Backdrops
Poses - Diversion
Cyber War @ Cyber Fair until March 25, 2020


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