Skin Deep


They say beauty is only skin deep
I say somethings are worth fighting for
The beauty on the inside
That sometimes no one sees
In the darkest corners of the night
when even starlight barely shines

When beauty is at it loveliest 
Yet no one else even sees
It is worth the fight 
To keep the flame alive

The simple flame with its beauty
Passed so easily to someone else
In a simple smile
- Skin Deep

Ophelia Wearing
From NEO JAPAN Open until April 17, 2023
Oufit - POISON ROUGE - Mineko Dress Jazmin
Shoes - ATROPHIA - Saskia Shoes - FATPACK
Hair - {Limerence} - Sakura hair - FATPACK
Hair accessory & Makeup - ZIBSKA - Yasuko Headpiece, Eyemakeup, Blush, & Lips

In addition Ophelia is wearing/Using
Nails - RAWR! - Innocence Nails
Eyes - CURELESS[+]  - Collyrium Eyes / FATPACK (v.1)
Skin -  . Nar Mattaru . - Maud Skin {Ghost} Evo X & eBody Reborn Skin 2.0 {Ghost} 
Head - LeLUTKA - Avalon Head 3.1
Body - eBODY - REBORN v1.69.4

Poses - Koroko - Tenten - Fatpack (Bento Pose)

Pictures taken at Dream Catcher, private sim. Sim Kenji Prefab sim design by Bee Designs.


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