
 There is something about the intimacy of my bedroom that makes me love being in that space so much. An old fashioned quilt reminding me of the ones I used to make with my Grams keeps my cozy at night which all the precious gems I've collected help keep me grounded. 

The things I think about when I'm alone in my bedroom are vast, thinking about everything, yet nothing. I have epiphanies and disasters all within the same train of thought. 

Then wonder why I can't sleep some nights. When I do close my eyes, 
my sleep is there for its few hours then gone again. 

My bedroom, my place of peace and thoughts yet to take place, where poetry has yet to take form.
Ophelia March

 Musing Sponsor
Mission Style Bedroom
Comes in both Adult & PG with Bed, Dresser, Mirror, 
Night Stand, Table Lamp, & Wardrobe
Aug 25 - Sept. 22, 2024

also musing
Crystal Collection / FATPACK

Adalee Top Tender - Reborn
Adalee Shorts Tender - Reborn
Yusuke Glasses
Diva EvoX Eyeliners
Mousse Lipstick - Megapack - Warm
Reborn Nail HUD - Shades of Red V2 
Searching (Variety) FLF
EVO X - T5 - Rhae
Bom Body Skins 2024 - REBORN - T5
Lilith Head 4.0
REBORN - v 1.69.6

Art on the wall from the "Sweet As Candy" series by Ophelia March.


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