A Warrior's Love

A warrior's love never dies
even as they are taken
their love remains
gaze into the long forgotten
eyes held within bone
to see the past's 
love once held
still so precious

A warrior's love never dies
it is simply reborn
into all there is
as it was
all there ever was

A warrior's love never dies
it is held in the hearts
of those who love deeply
Ophelia March
- Warrior's Love

Musing Sponsor
June 22 - July 7, 2024
Moon & Stars Set
Soliel Sunkissed Face
[Hunt Pack] Nail Appliers - Forest Mist
EVO X - T5 - Eirtae
Bom Body Skins 2024 - REBORN - T5

Additional Musing
Shoco Lipstick
Lelutka Eyes Applier ~ Bom/CCVI SET IV 
Lilith Head 4.0
REBORN - v 1.69.6
L'Eternite - Pose Pack


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