Love is Defiance 2024


Every year I will repeat this until it is screamed from the mountain tops because all of Us who continue to show love to each other are committing acts of defiance each time. Please continue to do so because we can win. I love all of you. Happy Pride 2024.

Love is an act of defiance
in a world that screams hatred
constantly in our faces
Love is an act of defiance
when hatred is celebrated
by those in power
Love is an act of defiance
when we are told
we should not love
who we wish

Love is an act of defiance
in the face of hate
Love is an act of defiance
and I am going to defy
all who try to stop me
from loving 
Love is an act of defiance
Ophelia March
-Love is Defiance

June 1 - 30, 2024
Please note these items are at the individual stores. 
However, there are freebies & events at the Pride at Home location as well.
Pride at Home 2024 Crop
Spoiled Pride Black/White
Atemis Boots // Dark Pride
It's Just Love Eyeshadow [BOM\EvoX]
Pride Lipstick Collection Lel
Rainbow Powder Explosion (Evo X BOM)

June 1 - 16, 2024
Breeze - Jewel

Wendy Glasses
Reborn Nail HUD - Metallic Color Tips
Group Gift - April 2024 - Spring Eyes
EVO X - T7 - Dahlia 
Bom Body Skins 2024 - REBORN - T7
Lilith Head 3.1
REBORN - v 1.69.6
VIP Photo Booth - You Are Enough (Pride)
Aikita - Pose Pack


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